Outplacement Support

Organisations may need to make redundancies for a number of reasons. There may be a downturn in the market, the company may have had a change in ownership, the direction or type of services offered may change, or there may simply be a need to reduce costs for the company to remain profitable.

Whatever the reason, making staff redundant can be difficult for both the employee and the company. It can have a significant impact on the retrenched employee as well as the staff remaining in the company. It can also have a negative effect on the organisation if handled incorrectly.

Some of these effects may include:

  1. The public image and perception of your organisation being tarnished by poor PR or bad-mouthing from employees who feel they have been unfairly treated or not properly looked after.
  2. Damage to your company’s reputations as ex-employees are unlikely to recommend your company as a good place to work to others in the industry if they are disgruntled.
  3. Lower productivity from remaining staff who may have concerns and fears over their job security.
  4. Potential legal action against the company if the correct process is not followed.

Why should you provide outplacement support services to your staff?

Outplacement support:

  1. Gives individuals the tools and assistance they need to help them back into employment quickly and successfully.
  2. Helps reduce and manage the stress and uncertainty caused by redundancy.
  3. Helps employees to understand their skills, abilities, career and personal goals.
  4. Provides them with life-long skills in job seeking, networking, interviewing and negotiating.
  5. Acknowledges the past contributions of your outgoing staff and shows your current staff you care.
  6. Helps to present your company in a positive perspective.
  7. Helps to maintain a happy and productive working environment for remaining staff

We offer 3 customisable packages;

1. Quick Assist 
2. Hunter Plus
3. Executive Package

Please contact us for pricing and availability